Leicester Tutor Company helps people to prepare for City and Guilds functional skills exams. We believe that to properly prepare for these exams, you need top-notch revision materials to help. That is why we have partnered with MME to gather a collection 0f City and Guilds past papers that you can access free of charge. These past papers will help you get an idea of what kind of questions will be asked in the City and Guilds Functional Skills exams, as well as help you understand what kind of answers to put, with the help of the included mark scheme.
The City and Guilds Functional Skills qualification is offered by MME as an alternative exam board to other functional skills exams. The qualification that you will be receiving is still the equivalent of a GCSE in either maths or English, and still follows the same curriculum as other functional skills exams. The main difference with this qualification is simply that you will receive your qualification from a different exam board, so for those who have a preference as to which exam board they sit with, or for those who need a specific exam board qualification, then the option is available to you.
The exam itself is sat online, which means you will need a computer with a working webcam and microphone so you can communicate with a City and Guilds invigilator who will be assigned to you on the day you have chosen to sit your exam. This invigilator will be inviting you to a video call where they will assist you in setting up your City and Guilds Functional Skills exam.
With the past papers and other services that MME provides, you should have everything you need to pass the City and Guilds Functional Skills exam.