Leister tutor company is a premier tuition website that provides tuition in key academic subjects including Maths,English and science related subjects.Part of our tuition service is making sure students have the best resources and revision material available in preparation for their exams, a lot of hard work is gone into preparing essential learning material for our learners and our functional skills service is no different


Functional skills maths is an important qualification that provides the skills, knowledge and understanding to the learner ensuring they progress further in work, education and life. Here at Leister tutor company we have highly educated teachers in their subject field who help learners prepare for their exams making sure they have everything required to achieve their goals. Organization can be very hard when it comes to revision material. A very useful resource that solves the need for this are the MME Functional Skills maths level 2 revision cards . These revision cards come organized in topics allowing the learner to revise with ease 


The Functional Skills revision cards come with a question on the front side and a question on the flip side of the card, this allows learners to get a good understanding of the question by testing themselves a second time on the topic. Each card comes with a detailed explanation detailing how to answer each question type. These MME revision cards are an essential tool for learners who want to ensure they are prepared and ready to take on their exams.